Western Sydney University
Admission criteria and entry schemes
To be offered a place in a course at Western Sydney University, you must meet the general requirements listed in one of the following categories, satisfy English language requirements and be selected in competition with other eligible applicants.
Western Sydney University recognises that there are many paths students can follow on the road to university study, including Year 12 studies, studies with TAFE and other VET providers, accredited studies offered in some workplaces, studies at university that are complete or incomplete, preparation courses at an Australian university, the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) and work experience.
You will be considered for entry to courses at the University on the basis of the outcomes you have achieved in any of the qualifications you hold. Your prior studies do not need to be relevant to the course in which you would like to study at Western.
Note: Authoritative information can be given in writing only by the Office of Student & University Planning. The University will not accept responsibility for any consequences that may result if advice is sought from any other source.
Undergraduate applicants
Australian Year 12 students
If you are a 2024 Australian Year 12 student, you will generally be considered for admission on the basis of your ATAR or equivalent. Refer to individual course entries for any additional selection criteria.
Selection rank adjustments
Selection rank adjustments may allow 2024 Year 12 applicants to receive an offer to a program even though they have an ATAR below the published selection rank. If you qualify for more than one selection rank adjustment, the maximum number of points you can receive is 10. Location and Subject selection rank adjustments apply to all Western Sydney University courses except:
- 725505 - Bachelor of Clinical Science (Medicine)/Doctor of Medicine
- 720720 - Bachelor of Music
- 720728 - Bachelor of Creative Industries (Music)
- 720734 - Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative Industries
- 726570 - Bachelor of Midwifery
- 723560 - Bachelor of Physiotherapy.
Western Sydney selection ranks adjustments
Equity adjustments
The Western Sydney University Special Consideration Scheme is an Educational Access Scheme (EAS) to assist students who have been disadvantaged during their current or previous Year 12 studies, including students with a disability.
Under EAS, applicants who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage may have their selection ranks increased. To qualify, you must demonstrate that your educational performance during Year 11 and/or Year 12, or equivalent, has been seriously affected by circumstances beyond your control. EAS applications are processed centrally through UAC.
Elite athlete and performer adjustments
Western Sydney University is recognised as an Elite Athlete or Performer Friendly university. The Western Sydney University’s Elite Athletes and Performers Scheme encourages applications from students who have been disadvantaged during their current or previous Year 12 studies due to performance and training commitments.
To be considered, you need to complete the Elite Athletes or Performers Scheme Application [PDF] form and submit it directly to the University, marked to the attention of Admissions.
Elite athletes and performers who meet the eligibility requirements for consideration will have their selection ranks increased.
Location adjustments
If you live or go to school in Western Sydney and are completing the NSW HSC or International Baccalaureate (IB) in 2024 your selection rank will automatically be increased by five points when you apply through UAC.
Subject adjustments
Western Sydney University rewards outstanding academic achievement of 2024 HSC or IB students by increasing your selection rank by up to 10 points. You must achieve Band 5 or 6 results in HSC subjects relevant to the course you want to study.
Criteria that may apply in addition to the ATAR
In addition to achieving the standard of performance required for admission, for certain courses you must also satisfy any additional selection criteria, such as a personal statement, questionnaire, portfolio of work, audition, interview or test. These criteria are taken into account either instead of, or in conjunction with, your ATAR or equivalent.
Details of additional selection criteria and how applicants can meet these requirements are outlined in the course descriptions.
If you are undertaking your Year 12 studies offshore and are applying to a course that has additional selection criteria that you will find difficult to meet, call the Student Services Hub on +61 2 9852 5499.
Assumed knowledge: bridging courses
If you do not have the assumed knowledge indicated in a course description, you are still eligible to apply for that course. Western Sydney University runs a number of academic workshops in February each year, before the start of session.
For more information, call the Student Services Hub on 1300 897 669.
Other admission options
Schools Recommendation Scheme
Western Sydney University participates in the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS), processed centrally through UAC, allowing Year 12 students who are UAC applicants to receive early conditional offers of undergraduate admission. SRS aims to assist access to higher education using selection criteria other than the ATAR, including school recommendations and senior secondary studies. There are no fees to apply for SRS, but you will be required to pay a processing fee when you apply for undergraduate admission through UAC.
Western Sydney University will take into account the following when considering your application:
- Year 11 studies
- school ratings.
SRS is available for a range of Western Sydney University courses, however prerequisites and additional selection criteria may apply. The offer condition is completion of the HSC.
How Schools Recommendation Schemes work
HSC True Reward
Receive an offer from Western Sydney University before ATAR release day. Our unique program makes an early offer into a University degree based on the corresponding HSC subject band outcomes, not the ATAR. This program is open to all 2024 NSW HSC students.
Western Sydney University, The College
Western Sydney University, The College provides students with a clear pathway to Western Sydney University.
Diploma programs
The integrated diploma/bachelor courses enable students, with an ATAR above 45.00, to study the same content as first year University students, allowing transition into the second year of university with no time lost. The extended diplomas are available for students with an ATAR below 45.00 or no ATAR at all and include preliminary content which prepares students for university studies.
With smaller class sizes and one-on-one teaching, The College provides a supportive environment to learn and thrive in. Depending on your results, completion of an integrated diploma/bachelor course or extended diploma guarantees entry into a corresponding bachelor degree.
Diploma courses are offered in a format to prepare students with a variety of skill levels, from those who have a competitive ATAR, to those who did not receive an ATAR at all or who have not studied for a long time.
Undergraduate Preparation Programs
The Undergraduate Preparation program (Nursing /Health Science) is designed for students who need to build up a set of academic study and subject skills before undertaking a university degree. The program can be studied over one- or two-terms and are ideally suited to students who:
- have not performed to their full potential in their HSC; or
- do not possess the specific prerequisites or assumed knowledge for the degree of their choice; or
- have not studied for some time and need to bring their study skills up to date.
Successful completion of the Undergraduate Preparation Program offers direct entry into the first year of the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Health Science at Western Sydney University. Applications are not through UAC and must be made direct to the University.
For further information, call The College on 1300 897 669 or visit the Western Sydney University, The College website.
Limited ATAR
If you are eligible for a Limited ATAR, your application will be considered on this basis.
If you have completed or partly completed any tertiary studies, including TAFE courses, AQF-accredited courses from private colleges or previous university studies, you may be considered for admission on the basis of those studies. Refer to individual course descriptions for any additional selection criteria.
Where individual course descriptions refer to a guarantee of admission following completion of a relevant qualification, this guarantee does not override English language proficiency requirements. Guaranteed entry to courses will only be applied to January Round 1 of offers.
Exclusion: Western Sydney University will not make an offer to anyone currently suspended or excluded from any higher education course until the term of their suspension or exclusion has elapsed. If you have served the period of exclusion, your application will be considered.
Current students: If you are studying a course at Western Sydney University in 2024 and wish to transfer to another course for the next available session, applications for most courses can be made direct to the University. For some courses you can only apply through UAC.
For more information see Transferring to a new program.
Bridging courses
If you do not have the assumed knowledge indicated in a course description, you are still eligible to apply for that course. Western Sydney University runs a number of academic workshops in February each year, before the start of session.
For more information, call the Student Service Hub on 1300 897 669.
If you have completed or partly completed any tertiary studies, including TAFE courses, AQF-accredited courses from private colleges or previous university studies, you may be considered for admission on the basis of those studies. Refer to individual course descriptions for any additional selection criteria.
Bridging courses
If you do not have the assumed knowledge indicated in a course description, you are still eligible to apply for that course. Western Sydney University runs a number of academic workshops in February each year, before the start of session.
For more information, call the Student Service Hub on 1300 897 669.
If you have completed an Australian Year 12 before 2024, you may be considered for entry on the basis of your ATAR or equivalent. This includes studies accumulated over consecutive years with the approval of the appropriate state education board.
If you do not have any of the formal educational qualifications outlined in the previous categories, you may be eligible for entry into the University on the basis of one of the following.
Employment experience
Your application can be considered for entry to most Western Sydney University courses on the basis of work experience. A vocational rank, based on paid employment of one year or more, is determined by the type of work and the length of service. Undocumented employment experience will not be considered.
Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
If you have not completed an Australian Year 12, do not possess any formal qualification, or want to improve your chances of selection, you are advised to sit the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).
If you have previously sat a STAT, Western Sydney University will look at STAT results from 2021 onwards for admissions into 2024, or from 2022 onwards for admissions into 2025.
If you have more than one STAT result, we will consider the best result of any STAT sitting from the years outlined above and onwards.
STAT is considered for all courses except those with additional selection criteria. Refer to individual course descriptions for any special STAT requirements to accommodate either applying for mid-year 2024 or start year 2025.
Bridging courses
If you do not have the assumed knowledge indicated in a course description, you are still eligible to apply for that course. Western Sydney University runs a number of academic workshops in February each year, before the start of session.
For more information, call the Student Service Hub on 1300 897 669.
Enabling courses
The Undergraduate Preparation Program - (Nursing /Health Science) is designed for students who need to build up a set of academic study and subject skills before undertaking a university degree. The program can be studied over one- or two-terms and are ideally suited to students who:
- have not performed to their full potential in their HSC; or
- do not possess the specific prerequisites or assumed knowledge for the degree of their choice; or
- have not studied for some time and need to bring their study skills up to date.
Successful completion of the Undergraduate Preparation Program offers direct entry into the first year of the Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Health Science at Western Sydney University. Specific criteria applies to receive entry in the bachelor programs. Applications are not through UAC and must be made direct to the University.
This program is not available to international applicants.
For further information, call The College on 1300 897 669 or visit the Western Sydney University website.
For Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia with overseas qualifications, Western Sydney University may consider commonly accepted overseas secondary or tertiary qualifications.
If you hold qualifications from countries where English is not the standard language of instruction, you must provide evidence of English language proficiency. If you do not meet the University’s English language proficiency requirements you cannot be offered a place.
In addition to applying through UAC, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants may wish to be considered for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program.
For more information, call the Student Services Hub on 1300 897 669 or visit the Western Sydney University website.
Western Sydney University welcomes student veterans – serving, exiting and reservist ADF personnel.
Support is available for:
- admissions and enrolment
- equity issues, such as disability
- wellness support, including flexible arrangements
- study and career transition support.
Postgraduate applicants
You must check the admission requirements on the UAC or the University websites before completing your application. For admission to most postgraduate coursework courses you would normally be expected to have a bachelor degree from a recognised tertiary institution in an appropriate discipline. You may also need relevant professional work experience and/or membership of a professional organisation. For some courses, entry is available on the basis of relevant professional work experience alone or a combination of tertiary study and professional experience. Entry requirements vary between courses. For information about the entry requirements for a specific course, check the course descriptions in UAC’s course search.
If you hold overseas qualifications from countries where English is not the standard language of instruction, you must provide evidence of English language proficiency. If you do not meet the University’s English language proficiency requirements you cannot be offered a place.
Additional selection criteria
You may have to complete a personal statement, provide a portfolio of work, supplementary form or questionnaire, attend a test or interview, or provide specific documentation as part of the application process. Check the individual course descriptions to see whether special requirements apply. Applicants should note that failure to provide the additional information required may result in their application not being considered.
General information for Western Sydney University

Campus locations are: Bankstown City, Campbelltown, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Liverpool City, Nirimba (Blacktown), Parramatta, Parramatta City, Penrith, Sydney City, Sydney Olympic Park, Westmead.