Display advertising for brand awareness

Sponsor Australia’s largest tertiary admissions website to captivate, educate and inspire UAC’s niche audience of students, applicants and influencers. Create dynamic brand content that drives engagement, grows your audience, and increases the reputation and reach of your institution. Contact our team for pricing.

Display advertising packages

Premium conversion

star on a ribbon Be seen by over 1 million potential applicants.

Exclusive undergraduate

ticket stub with a diamond icon

Target Year 12 students as they make decisions about your institution.

Undergraduate equity

scales tipped to one side icon Target low SES and early offer applicants.


graduation cap icon The only package of its kind. Be the face of postgraduate study in NSW.


person with interconnected lines icon

Target key Year 12 influencers, parents and careers advisers.

Run of site ads

banner ad on a website icon

Brand awareness champion.

Application sponsorship

finger pressing a buton icon

Reach a UAC applicant seconds before they apply or change their preferences.

View display specifications

Sponsored UAC newsletter

Connect with students and applicants by aligning your institution with our trusted brand. Reach and engage Year 12 students and their influencers by sharing your institution’s student recruitment messages at critical points in the admissions year.

Year 12 students

newsletter icon

Sent to all NSW and ACT HSC students.


newsletter icon

Sent to parents who register for UAC updates.


newsletter icon

Sent to a wide audience, including a community of careers advisers, higher education staff and international student agents.

View sponsored UAC newsletter specifications

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