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Postgraduate course

Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced)

Australian National University

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Indicative annual tuition fee^ (A$)
Start Date
This course has been cancelled
Campus {{campMap[course.camp].name}}
Duration {{course.poa}}
Indicative annual tuition fee^ (A$) ${{course.fee.toLocaleString("en-US")}} Student contributions
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The human capacity for language is at the heart of the study of linguistics. The field encompasses the nature of different languages and the nature of language as a cognitive and social phenomenon. It asks questions such as: How do we communicate? In what ways are languages different and similar? How do we learn language? Why does language change over time? What is the relationship between mind and language?

The Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced) offers the opportunity to explore these and many other questions through an especially broad selection of topics. The program will provide you with a solid grounding in linguistic theory, analysis and associated methodologies, and offers the opportunity to study language as a cognitive, social and historical process. Students can also study a broad range of languages as part of the degree.

Admission criteria

Completion of one of the following:

  • bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 6.0/7.0
  • bachelor degree or international equivalent AND a graduate certificate or graduate diploma with a minimum GPA of 5/7
  • bachelor degree or international equivalent with GPA 5/7 AND a minimum of 3 years of full-time equivalent work experience at ANZSCO Skill Level 1 in a field related to the program


Unless otherwise indicated, ANU will accept all Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications or international equivalents that meet or exceed the published admission requirements of our programs, provided all other admission requirements are also met. Where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will base assessment on the qualification that best meets the admission requirements for the program.

Contact the College if you have any queries regarding the application requirements.

GPA calculation

ANU uses a 7-point grade point average (GPA) scale. All qualifications submitted for admission at ANU will be converted to this common scale, which will determine if an applicant meets our published admission requirements. Find out how a 7-point GPA is calculated for Australian universities.

Unless otherwise indicated, where an applicant has more than one completed tertiary qualification, ANU will calculate the GPA for each qualification separately. ANU will base assessment on the best GPA of all completed tertiary qualifications that are eligible to be considered.

Course credit or exemption

For information about course credit for previous studies, see the program entry or read about course credit or exemption on the ANU website.

Progression requirements

Students must have the approval of an identified supervisor for the research project to continue to the research component of this advanced master degree. Students who do not have the written agreement of an identified supervisor, or whose agreed supervisor either subsequently leaves the University or is on leave from the University, will be transferred to the regular master version of this program.

Fees and charges

^ Indicative total only. Actual total will depend on subject selection, rate of program completion and annual review of fee levels. Check the latest fee information.

Australian Government financial assistance

Australian National University scholarships and financial assistance

Equity Scholarships through UAC

Further information

Read the full course details on the ANU website.

Visit the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences website.
Call (02) 6125 2898.
Email the College.