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Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Software

University of Technology Sydney

CRICOS provider number: 00099F TEQSA provider ID: PRV12060

Courses included

Fee type
Indicative annual tuition fee ^
Start Date
This course has been cancelled
Duration {{course.poa}}
PLSR {{course.plsr}}TBA
Fee type{{course.type}}
Indicative annual tuition fee ^A${{course.fee | number}}+TBC
Start Date{{}}
CRICOS code{{course.cricos}}

^ These tuition fees will remain current for the calendar year of commencement but may increase in subsequent years. The University reserves the right to review its overall fee position without notice. Student fees are calculated on the basis of the exact enrolment. The fees listed are indicative only and may vary due to enrolment choices. For example, where elective subjects are taken from a faculty other than the student’s host faculty, individual subject costs may vary.


Software engineers focus on large, complex, and critical software systems that are ubiquitously connected to our daily lives. In this major, students will learn about the design, analysis, and management of software to ensure safe, reliable, secure, and maintainable systems. It goes beyond programming. Students will develop skills to identify issues with existing systems and create new possibilities with the application of software design.

Also read the information for UTS Engineering and Information Technology.

Areas of study

Development methodologies, programming, quality management and testing, software architecture, software requirements management. Includes a series of studio based subjects where theoretical learning is applied to a problem typical of large, complex and critical software systems.

Career opportunities

Specialisations within the broad field of software engineering including development manager, software developer or software engineering specialist.

Professional recognition

The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) majoring in Software Engineering is provisionally accredited with Engineers Australia, pending full accreditation. Updates to the accreditation status may occur throughout the year; please see the Engineers Australia list of accredited courses for up-to-date information.

Practical experience

All students are required to complete a minimum of 12 weeks work experience. Students in the Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice undertake 2 x 6-month Work Integrated Learning internships in year 2 and year 4 which integrates theory with practice.

Fees and charges

Refer to UTS current fee information.

Admission criteria

Applicants with recent secondary education

Assumed knowledge: Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, English Standard.

Recommended studies: English Advanced, a sound knowledge of the fundamentals of programming.

Portfolio: Current school leavers can support their application by submitting the Year 12 Engineering and IT Portfolio via UAC.

Other applicants

Statement of service: Applicants are advised to complete the employment question on their UAC application and provide statements of service to UAC, as an adjustment of up to five points to their selection rank may be awarded on the basis of relevant employment experience. Applicants will have had to have met the UTS minimum matriculation requirements in order for their employment experience to be assessed, and their documented employment experience must be at least one full-time year or greater.

Student profile

Access information about the background of students in this course.

Further information

View all details of this course on the UTS website.

Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the UAC course search regularly.

UTS Online Handbook
For further details about UTS courses listed below, including course content and structure, subject and elective choices, attendance patterns and credit point requirements, visit the UTS Online Handbook.

UTS cross-faculty and combined courses
UTS offers many cross-faculty courses and combined courses in the areas of Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Design, Engineering and Information Technology, Health, Law and Science.

UTS also offers a Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII), a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and a Bachelor of Sustainability and Environment as combined degrees. TD School at UTS also offers a unique future-focused Diploma in Innovation that can be completed in parallel with almost any Bachelor degree and double degree, except BCII. Diploma enrolment is by direct application once at UTS.