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Diploma in Business


CRICOS provider number: 00098G TEQSA provider ID: PRV12055

Courses included

Fee type
Indicative annual tuition fee ^
Start Date
This course has been cancelled
Duration {{course.poa}}
PLSR {{course.plsr}}TBA
Fee type{{course.type}}
Indicative annual tuition fee ^A${{course.fee | number}}+TBC
Start Date{{o.st}}
CRICOS code{{course.cricos}}

^ Amounts are per unit of credit (UOC). To calculate the fee for a course, refer to the course prefix and the tuition fee for the year of commencement in the Diploma, then multiply by the UOC value of the course. The fees listed on this table are in Australian dollars (AUD). Tuition fees are reviewed annually and may exceed the indicative figures listed, so it’s important to remember that indicative tuition fees shown above are not guaranteed. Any update to fees is effective from the start of each calendar year. Students are charged tuition at the rate corresponding to the year of the census date applicable to their enrolment in a course. UNSW College makes every attempt to ensure that all information is current. However, UNSW College reserves the right to amend any or all of the information above without notice in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. UNSW College will publish a schedule of tuition fees for all units of study that it provides or proposes to provide, on or before the earliest enrolment data for units of study, enabling students to access information about fees before they enrol.


This 11 month program will provide students with the opportunity to pursue a degree in Commerce, Economics or Information Systems that will lead to a career in a discipline of Business or related area. Students will complete a set of eight business courses in addition to a Communication and Academic Literacy course. Credit will be granted towards the Bachelor of Commerce, Economics or Information Systems for each of the eight  courses achieved at a specified level, which are all equivalent to First-Year UNSW courses. After successful completion of all nine courses, students will be awarded a Diploma of Business.

In this Diploma program students will be able to experience a university environment and university life, while being supported to acquire all of the knowledge and skills needed for successful transition to undergraduate studies at UNSW. The courses in this program are equivalent in content and outcomes to First-Year UNSW courses but the delivery pace is slower and the face-to-face contact hours are greater. The course structure allows students to get accustomed to University learning styles - in Lectures, Tutorials and Problem-Solving Workshops - while receiving additional support, as required, for the duration of the diploma program.

It is assumed that students have a certain level of knowledge in advanced mathematics in order to cope well with the mathematical or statistical component of a Business Diploma. If you are successful in obtaining a place without this assumed knowledge, you are strongly encouraged to consider studying a Mathematics Bridging Course before starting your degree.

Areas of study

Accounting, Business Analytics, Business Economics, Finance, Financial Technology, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business, Marketing and Taxation.

Career opportunities

Local and international organisations, government and not-for-profit organisations as accountant, auditor, commercial manager, consultant, customer experience officer, cyber security analyst, data analyst, digital innovation officer, economist, financial adviser, human resource consultant, ICT business/systems analyst, international business development manager, investment banker, management consultant, marketing/brand manager, property business analyst, recruitment officer, strategist, tax adviser, venture capitalist.

Admission criteria

Applicants with recent secondary education

For admission to the Diploma, an applicant is expected to have completed Secondary School or the equivalent, such as University Foundation Studies, prior to commencement of their studies. For further details, including a statement on English language requirements, please see the Diplomas website.

Assumed knowledge: All students are assumed to have Mathematics knowledge equivalent to Mathematics Advanced.

Other applicants

Refer to the UNSW general admission criteria.

Progression Requirements: Students must complete and receive a minimum of a Pass grade in 9 courses (including the Communication and Academic Literacy course) to be eligible for a Diploma. To be guaranteed articulation into second year of the Bachelor of Economics (3543) or Bachelor of Commerce (3502) or Bachelor of Information Systems (3979) students will require an overall average of 60% across their best attempt for each First Year equivalent course.

For more information on university policy on progression requirements please visit Academic Progression

Student profile

Visit the UNSW website.

Further information

Visit the UNSW website.

UNSW Sydney degrees

The academic content of all programs is subject to routine review.

UNSW Sydney website

Course updates
Courses are added and cancelled throughout the admissions year and course details are subject to change. Check the course search regularly. 

Double degree options
Double degree options are available in a number of UNSW courses. For further information, visit the UNSW Sydney website.

Honours at UNSW
Studying honours offers a chance to develop your research and professional skills guided by staff who are passionate about research and the development of new researchers. Honours is an integral component of many UNSW courses or may be offered as an additional year of study to meritorious students.